
finhobbyist avatar image
finhobbyist asked

Remote On-off - Phoenix Inverter

I control the remote switch on my Phoenix inverter with a relay; to switch inverter on, when shore power goes out, and I have a big TV connected to the inverter:

Does a Phoenix have an inrush current or something else to be worried about in this setup (when it gets switched on with a load item already connected)?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There will almost always be some sort of inrush current, jut the magnitude will vary.
Without knowing too much about the load, nor the size if the inverter, it's difficult to know how much the inrush current will be and so difficult to provide a sensible answer.
A modern television set, even a big one, will probably not have a high enough inrush current to worry about.

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