
n0g00l4g avatar image
n0g00l4g asked

Remote Console on LAN accessible from a web browser not on the same network

Hi guys!

I do not have any equipment installed yet, but I am having a look at a configuration with a Cerbo GX. I checked the manual (maybe not enough), but could not find the answer to this question.

It is specified that you need to be on the same network to access the Remote Console from a web browser. Is this related to some kind of making it easier as to find out what IP address the Cerbo GX is using or is this really a technical limitation?


remote console
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anhoume avatar image anhoume commented ·
It is possible to access the remote console from another subnet if that is what you are asking?
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·


Also moving to modifications

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