
sam-45 avatar image
sam-45 asked

Multiplus-II GX Aux Relay Temperature control

Hello there , I am trying to figure out how to manage room temperature based on values from Pylontech BMS or Multiplus external temp sensor. I' like to control AUX Relay on multiplus itself to regulate room temp in which the system is placed in.

Couldn't find any answers from my retailer so I hope someone here has experience on this topic.

Thank you for feedback

Best regards. Sam.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Node red on the big OS is a possibility.

I have not tried it.

At the end of the day an air con unit has its own temperature control so usually is the go to for room control.

You can use the K1 relay to drive a fan based on whether the fan in the multi is on.


You will need 2 conditions one for on one for off.

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sam-45 avatar image
sam-45 answered ·

Thank you for the answer , I tried it with node red but only BMV-700 and cerbo GX relays are compatible NOT the ones in inverter or charge controllers...

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