
cranky-yoda avatar image
cranky-yoda asked

SmartShunt accidental connection

Hello. I have a 500 Amp SmartShunt with BlueTooth in my home experiment I have built before I'll be transferring some of this stuff to the camper, and accidentally I've inserted the positive red wire into the AUX port on the shunt. That green connector with the 12V power input and AUX is quite small. AUX was set to NONE in the app at that time. As monitoring current, voltages and SoC the shunt is working fine, but I wonder if I ever wanted to use one of the AUX features, if it's not damaged, or even if this accident could have caused other damages to the rest of the shunt circuit making it perhaps not as reliable anymore. But as said, it appears to be working, for now.

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Aux port is ok for mid point measurements on 48V systems and has a rating of 70V, so should be fine.

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cranky-yoda avatar image cranky-yoda commented ·

Thank you. I actually connected another battery this morning having the AUX port set as "starter" battery and it shows a correct value for that battery. So the shunt is alive and well. Then I thought might as well test the other function, I set it as "midpoint", and for that, this other battery showed as 104% which is a correct value since it's a separate battery and not a midpoint connection, but I do like that it shows in percentage, not voltage, so in a real midpoint use, ideally I would see 50%. Very nice product indeed.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ cranky-yoda commented ·

In real midpoint it compares the top and lower sections and calculates a difference and the percentage. Percentage should be close to zero, not 50%. Here's an example from my setup using a BMV, but same concept.


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