
niek84 avatar image
niek84 asked

Backup power with multiplus Compact

I have a 3400wp PV system with enphase iq7 inverters connected to the grid. Now I would like to install a backup power system so that in case of a grid failure, my freezer will keep on working and I am able to charge some small devices with this 'local grid' also I was planning to hook up the envoy controller for the iq7 inverters to this local grid so they keep working in case of a grid failure.

I just bought a multiplus compact 1600 as this was more than enough for my freezer and some extras. Now I read about the factor 1 rule and I am not sure if this was the right multiplus model. The loads of consuming devices will not be much, but the PV system is rated double the 1600Va of the multiplus.

In the normal situation the multiplus with battery will be in between the local grid, with the PV installation, and the main grid. Meaning all PV generated power goes through the multiplus right? Will this work or do I need to think of a different setup?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You dont need to follow the 1:1 if you install the system after the AC PV. So use the enphase system as grid for the Multiplus

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