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solarbeginner asked

Scalable system with RS 48/6000

I have a RS 48/6000 connected with 1,6kwp Solar panels (4 panels on one string), Cerbo GX and 2xPylontech US2000C 48V batteries. Until I can afford expanding the Pylontech to 5x US2000C and extending the solar panels to 4kwp, I plan to run no higher loads then around 2000W.

I had the idea to secure this with a 10A Fuse between Load and the inverter, in order not to harm the batteries if the load requests more power ...

Is this a useful idea, or do I need to upgrade to 5x US2000C instantly ?

Thanks in advance

inverter rs
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The output should be fed to a distribution board with proper circuit breakers (rcd etc.). Running the output through a suitable breaker before the board would be better than a fuse which you will possibly be replacing regularly. But check in the manual, there may be a current limiter in the configuration.

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solarbeginner avatar image solarbeginner commented ·

Thanks for the quick response. Can I use a site power distributor? I think of something like this:

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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

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