
Stef avatar image
Stef asked

MPPT built-in Inverter RS 48/6000 doesn't appear on GX Device !

Hi there, my new inverter RS 48/6000 is running now with SmartShunt and Cerbo GX and a Fronius Primo 5.0. Unfortunately, I can't see the MPPT power on screen, and the MPPT doesn't appear in device list of the Cerbo. Firmware on GX is 2.57 (2.60 release candidate was running at first but the inverter doesn't appear with that version !!).

All the devices appear only on VictronConnect.

inverter rs
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5 Answers
safiery avatar image
safiery answered ·

@stef We have the same issue with RS48/6000 appearing on the devices list but not on the pages view.

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safiery avatar image
safiery answered ·

@guystewart Is there an update on this issue. Its outstanding since August now... Cheers

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Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt answered ·

Same Problem here, is there already a solution?

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pesi avatar image
pesi answered ·

I have the same problem. Could it be because a Fronius PV can be found on the network?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

These previous posts were running on much older GX firmware. Have you updated to 2.92?

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pettorin avatar image
pettorin answered ·

I really like the Inverter RS 6000/80 Solar and I strongly believe that has some advantage over the MultiPlus II for the off-grid system. On the other hand, Victron doesn’t adequately develop firmware, remote console and VRM to fix the multiple glitches present. VRM representation of current flow is still incorrect, mppt status is overlapped to inverter status and this is very annoying for a product that cost 4x the price of an equivalent Chinese product. Other glitches are present into the Advanced screen with values approximation and impossibility to set some trends… Hope for more attention by Victron…!

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fancourt avatar image fancourt commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) - is this state of affairs still current? Looking at potentially designing my first RS based system shortly, but this is not for an early adopter/beta testing application... it needs to work properly without "glitches" like this...
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ fancourt commented ·


This post is from 2020.

The issue has been dealt with, just update to the newest firmware.

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fancourt avatar image fancourt Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Actually, the post I was replying to was from under eight weeks ago, not 2020 as you suggest.

Are you saying @pettorin is mistaken, or simply running out-of-date firmware? Without being able to test in advance of purchase I can only rely on experiences others' post on here... nobody replied to @pettorin's post to correct the record so naturally that created doubts in my mind.
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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic