
missy avatar image
missy asked

pulling out the AC input on an inverter charger

I have a multiplus 12 500 20.

The instructions say that the AC input and output cables can be connected directly to the male and female connectors. It says in brackets that the connector pulls out!

How do they pull out? The is no toggle or handle to use. There isn't even a gap to fit a tool in to prise them out. I tried a screwdriver, which lifted one end, but it started to chip the plastic on the other end so I stopped.

Answers gratefully received!


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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Those Wieland connectors are a bit fiddly to disconnect (by design I suspect).
I'm going to try to explain it, I hope I make sense. Rather that trying to pull out or pry out each end (the short sides) try and wiggle in the other axis.
So, if the inverter was sitting on a desk the right way up with the connectors towards you (connectors would be vertical), then you would wiggle firmly left and right whilst pulling towards you.

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missy avatar image missy commented ·

Thank you, I tried that but think I may be missing something. I've added a photo in a comment. Would you mind checking it please?

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missy avatar image
missy answered ·

@Wkirby I strongly feel that I am doing this wrong! Are there supposed to be plug in type connectors? And it's those that I should pull out? If so they were missing when I bought it...

I have pulled this one out until I felt resistance and then stopped because I was worried it might break something.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Oh no! I those are the connectors that stay in the inverter, just like your wall outlet.
You are not supposed to remove that part, it stays there. You are supposed to plug the cable into there.

A picture is worth a thousand words! I thought you were having difficulty unplugging the cable from there - like trying to unplug a cable from a wall outlet.
Just snap that connector back in place, I doubt anything will be damaged inside.

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missy avatar image missy wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you! So I should have had plug in connectors too?

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