
hollla avatar image
hollla asked

SmartShunt with Dual Battery Switch II

Hello everyone, I have just bought a van and would like to modernise the electrical system a bit by adding 2 extra batteries for the services. The Van already has 2 batteries with an intelligent Dual Battery Switch II (

I would also like to add a SmartShunt so that I can control the batteries via Bluetooth.

I was inspired by the diagram in the manual for monitoring the starter battery and I drew this diagram.


With such a wiring harness via the app I can see the consumption/charging of the batteries (in Amper) and the voltage of the 2 packs individually, right?

What do you think? Is there a way to improve the wiring and get more information?

PS: For a Van with a maximum momentary consumption of 4kW (4000W/12V=333A) is a 500A SmartShunt sufficient?

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Jason avatar image Jason commented ·
Did you implement this? I was wanting to monitor a switchable dual bank of lithium batteries with a similar setup. Does it monitor discharge and voltage without the need of a second smartshunt?
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