
billknny avatar image
billknny asked

Network Access to locally stored VRM data

My situation: Cruising sailboat, with sporadic access to internet. Full time liveaboard, so no need for remote access. The cloud based VRM is a wonderful tool, but not so much for me because of limited internet access.

For monitoring and archiving system performance data I have been using the SC Card in my CerboGX to hold the data, and then manually move it to my computer and extract the data to a spreadsheet file using VictronConnect. It's a bit klunky and labor intensive, but it does get me what I want.

In the interest of increasing efficiency, just a tiny bit: Is there any way to access the data over the LAN without the manual transfer of the SDCard? If an SD Card is for some reason not network accessible, how about the internal storage?

VRMsd card
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4 Answers
5teve avatar image
5teve answered ·

Although I cannot help much - try using winscp and log into the Cerbo. That way you should be able to see the drives and copy the data over the local wifi Not sure if its windows only app or multi platform. Its not a particularly straightforward app to use.. I dont think.. but it works and is easy to use!


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alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob answered ·

I have this same question. I would really like to be able to use an IP address to access the files on the Cerbo GX's SD card over my network by plugging in an IP address. Is there a way to "share" the SD card on the network?

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pdonner avatar image
pdonner answered ·

@AlaskanNoob wrote:

I would really like to be able to use an IP address to access the files on the Cerbo GX's SD card over my network by plugging in an IP address.

This is a FAQ. See e.g. Venus OS: Root Access - Victron Energy. @5teve pointed out that winscp is a handy tool for file browsing, transfers and similar tasks. Preferably learn how to use the application on some test equipment (like a Raspberry Pi), before doing harm to your installation.

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neptuneuk avatar image
neptuneuk answered ·

I know this is an old thread but just wanted to add to it in the hope others may find it useful.

I use Ubuntu Linux as my PC OS of choice.

On Linux it's easy to use SCP (Secure Copy).

You'll need to identify the definitive path to your SD card on the Cerbo, you can do this by entering the following at the command line.

ssh root@[cerbo_ip_address]

Then enter the Cerbo root user password when prompted.

Once logged in to your Cerbo, at the command line of your remote session enter:

ls /media/

You should now see any mount points (one of which should be your SD Card mount point). It will look something like: mmcblk0p1

Unless you've done something custom on your Cerbo it will be the only folder in the media folder.

If you'd like to see whats in the mmcblk0p1 folder enter:

ls /media/mmcblk0p1/*

There will almost certainly be only a single file:


The data is stored in a sqlite database.

You now have the path to the data logging file.

Exit your SSH session (type exit)

In future you can copy the file to your local machine by using SCP.

At your PC's terminal command line type:

scp root@[cerbo_ip_address]:/media/mmcblk0p1/vrmlogger-backlog.sqlite3 ./ 

Enter your Cerbo root password when prompted.

You'll see something like the below when the file is copied:

vrmlogger-backlog.sqlite3                     100%   16KB   1.2MB/s   00:00

The file will now be in the root of your home folder. You can feed the file into any sqlite database browser to view the RAW contents..... To view something that makes sense you'll probably want to download and run the Victron Connect Appimage for Linux and convert the file in there to a spreadsheet file.

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