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logofreak asked pin corrosion

1f27d967-1723-4948-b3fd-e0fb7a0fc2cd.jpegHi, has anyone experienced the pins pulling out? I have a smartshunt that I used on my boat for about a year, didn’t have anything connected to the port until recently when I added a cerbo gx and the gx touch 70. Plugged the cable to interface the two but not liking the layout (used a 90° cable on one end and straight on the other) I pulled out the connector out of the smartshunt and didn’t notice that it pulled out a pin, which then I tried to connect to the cerbo and it nearly wrecked the connector on the cerbo.

I strongly feel Victron should be offering blanking plugs like many other manufacturers use for when those ports aren’t in use, to protect them from corrosion.

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