
matteburk avatar image
matteburk asked

Teltonika Eye Sensor (BT temp,hum) in venus?

This would be really great to be able to add in Venus OS.... Look a lot like the Ruuvi but a lot cheaper but yet made by a pro company Teltonika.....

BluetoothTemperature Sensor
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2 Answers
netweb avatar image
netweb answered ·

I think it would be possible, the wiki is quite detailed, and by the look of it it uses bluetooth advertising, it's not until you want to perform advanced configuration or firmware updates you need to enter a PIN code to pair the device.

Thus in my mind, it should work, you would maintain the devices with the Teltonika app, and Venus OS would detect the advertisements...


I've been looking into this subject myself for alternatives to Ruuvi or the new Mopeka sensors, I also use home assistant and when looking for support of these new devices using bluetooth advertising the most difficult part is decoding the advertisments as can be seen in the issues in this GitHub [repo](, the Teltonika wiki link above includes this documentation...

I'd say there is only one way to try buy one and give it a go, I doubt the Venus OS would support these by default, and support would have to be added to the code from [this repo]( to support the different hardware, but maybe could be adapted from the existing Ruuvi code

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mikenr avatar image mikenr commented ·
Has anyone had any luck getting one of these to work with a Cerbo GX?

Many thanks in advance! :)

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Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·

I have few of these and also a Cerbo. These devices support iBeacon, Eddystone and "Sensors" protocols. I just activated Cerbo bluetooth interface. I'm not very familar with BT in general so what should I test?

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala commented ·

Took the device close to Cerbo and logged in with ssh.

# bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]# list
[bluetooth]# list
Controller F5:CC:D8:xx:xx:xx XXXXXXXXXXX [default] 
[bluetooth]# devices
Device xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

That devices Device could be the Eye sensor, but its mac-address doesn't match.

[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[NEW] Device ....
[NEW] Device ....
[NEW] Device 7C:D9:F4:xx:xx:xx Name0002
[NEW] Device ....
[NEW] Device ....

That's my device and bunch of others. Command info <mac> shows details of it.

I managed to get it 'trusted' but pairing via ssh didn't succeed yet. Cerbo console settings->i/o devices->bluetooth sensors doesn't show anything.

My wild guess is that even I'd be able to pair it at low bt-level, it would need higher level protocol support?

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala Juha Tuomala commented ·

It supports these:

EYE Beacons or EYE Sensor configured as Beacon should be supported by any device that supports iBeacon or Eddystone protocols. 
EYE Sensors have Teltonika protocol and custom GATT characteristics, so most likely support has to be developed.

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Juha Tuomala avatar image Juha Tuomala Juha Tuomala commented ·

Victron employee stated this (which I recall reading earlier also):

Currently you can use the cerbo BT only for the WiFi settings.
So you have to connect the other devices via cable.

However, as we saw above, it does see other devices as well, Ruuvi tags are supported and I could always stick a USB-BT adapter into Cerbo with better radio coverage.

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