
durovenia avatar image
durovenia asked

Wiring diagram feedback

Hi all,

I have already bought most of the larger Victron components and batteries, but didn't want to buy all the smaller items (cables, fuses, busbars, ...) until I had the entire diagram figured out for my campervan. This is what I've come up with (don't shoot my paint skills, haha). I would highly appreciate any feedback on my setup before I start buying the rest.

Thank you in advance!



wiringfuseswiring diagramcampervan
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Looks OK from what I can see. I assume you're sizing the cables correctly and the fuse ratings are appropriate. Also that you matched the panels to the controllers using the Victron calculator and took winter temps into account.

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Related Resources

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Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

Victron Wiring Unlimited Online

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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