
nostromo avatar image
nostromo asked

The AC sensor assistant not taken into account without restarting a multiplus II GX

Good to know, you have to restart the Multiplus II GX after updating the power assistant AC Sensor via Remote VEConfigure. If no restart, the wizard is not taken into account.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is stated in the manual that assistants will restart the system.

It will also warns you when you make changes to the .rvsc file that it will do so.

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nostromo avatar image
nostromo answered ·

@ Alex

Yes it is stated so in the manual, but in practice not.

I've tried several times.

With ESS asisstant update it is working, the system execute a "Shut Down" and assistant is taken into account.

With AC Sensor assistant it is not working, no reflected in the VRM Dashboard. You must do a manuel OFF/ON of the unit.


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