
vikt0rm avatar image
vikt0rm asked

go-eCharger integration in Venus OS

Hi community,

I just finalized my integration of the go-eCharger as a evcharger into the Victron OS. You can find my project on github with all you need to setup:


Venus OScharger
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30 Answers
sailorm avatar image
sailorm answered Ā·

Great. Super simple and it works!

Controlling the maximum would be great.

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vikt0rm avatar image vikt0rm commented Ā·
Just added support for setting "Enable charging", "Charging current" and "Max charging current" + minor fixes. For "mode" I currently have no idea how to map or what to do with that setting.
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sailorm avatar image
sailorm answered Ā·

One more question: if i want to add some custom parameters like "minCurernt", how can i do this?

I need this for my automation.

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izeman avatar image
izeman answered Ā·

Does someone install this directly on Multiplus-II GX? As this device is missing CONFIGPARSER from python. I tried everything to install it, but didn't succeed.

Any help is much appreciated, as so many of those nice add-on are based on the same software, and all require it.

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izeman avatar image izeman commented Ā·
Ok. My mistake. Had to update venus os to 2.85. Now everything works fine.
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larrylaffer avatar image
larrylaffer answered Ā·

Is it possible to add more than one charger? and how do I do it?

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n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered Ā·

Up to now I'm using openwb for the go-e (openwb can read victron information) as we have two devices (one more will come in April)
using more devices with victron directly would be supercool!

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izeman avatar image
izeman answered Ā·

@vikt0rm Is there any chance the AUTO mode will ever be implemented? Even though I'm sure it really is what I expect it to be: A mode that controls charge current based on total power (PV) input and battery charge mode.

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rudis avatar image
rudis answered Ā·

Hi, I've now installed the dbus script and I already can see the go-e in my VRM surface, but it won't update the status. So my status field doesn't say "disconnected" like in the upper picture, instead this field stays completely empty. Can somebody help me with this issue?

The total energy is updated if I have charged my EV and reboot the system, but it seems like all other data is not transmitted.



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naiki avatar image
naiki answered Ā·

Installed it, and works quite fine :) Thanks for that.
But I have a UI problem:


"EV Ladestation" is my Go-e charger and connected to "Kritische Lasten", but it isn't. It is a normally connected to our house grid. Any solution to solve that?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·


yes the position can be changed.

In the script under /data/dbus-goecharger/ you have to change the line:

self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 0)

to the correct one. Its documented in the modbus excel sheet which position is which (Seems to be wrong in the document !!!).

According to the EVChharger Path it is:
0 = AC Input 1

1 = AC Output 1

2= AC Input 2

For me its:

0=AC out 1

1= AC IN 1

I didnt test 2.

Hope this helps,


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enercover avatar image enercover Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Thanks for the great integration of the go-echarger.

Unfortunately, I cannot see the charger in the overview page on the cerbo gx website but only on the VRM Portal. I already changed the position id in the python script but nothings changes.

Is there anything else I could do to fix it?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld enercover commented Ā·


credits go to @vikt0rm ;-)

No, unfortunately not.

As far as i know also the official charging station is not shown on the cerbo direct but only on the vrm.

The position parameter only controls on which output of the multi the charger is connected (AS In, Ac out 1, Ac out 2).

It does not change any of the functionality.

Kind regards,


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bernd82 avatar image
bernd82 answered Ā·
Hello everyone,
I'm having trouble connecting the Go E Charger. Can someone provide me with a finished script? or a detailed guide to insert it?
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Patrick Maartense avatar image
Patrick Maartense answered Ā·

enable the apis on the go-echarger, set the ip in you ini file, done.

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landi-mandi avatar image
landi-mandi answered Ā·

Hi Community,

seems that my Logfile is full of Temperatur foults. Ini file is correct updated and works

Did somebody have the same foults?

KeyError: 'tmp'

2023-08-19 15:19:32,408 root CRITICAL Error at _update

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/data/dbus-goecharger/", line 189, in _update

self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tmp'])

Thanks Chris

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Hey Chris,

it seems that you have a newer gen goe charger that uses api version 2.
According to their documentation there is no tmp field anymore:

At least that explains the error.

There is a array of temperature sensors tma. But since they dont document that array and since i also do not have such a newer charger i cant tell which sensors and data is in there.

Maybe you can simple hashmark (#) that line that tries to add the dbus path and live without having the temp of the charger ?

Hope that helps,


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landi-mandi avatar image landi-mandi Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Hi Dierk,

your right! But ists the gen. of the Go-E, not the Api. I use the API 1

tmp uint8_t Temperatur des controller in Ā°C (nur bis GO-E V2)
tma array[1] Temperaturen des Controllers in Ā°C, ersetzt ab V3 tmp

Im not a pro to fix it.

Maybe the ini file can fix that Problem in the future !?!

The generation is already specified in the .ini from V1 - V3.

However, i have V4. :)

Maybe IĀ“ll test it with the V3 setting. the generation is already specified there from V1 -V3.



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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld landi-mandi commented Ā·

Hey Chris,

sorry, yes, thats what i meant.

That Version of the goe charger uses another "topic" for the temps and afaik it has more than one temp sensor.

It could we solvable via Ini File to use either tmp for v1/2 or tma from v3 on.

But as said: they dont document the structure of the tma array (before it was simple int) and what sensors and values are in there.

Personally I have a v1 revision of the charger and therefore cannot tell whats inside.

Maybe you can give an example dataset via http://<ip of the charger>/status ?

Kind regards,


I just looked into the repo and in may there was a change in the code to reflect those hardware versions.


Maybe youre using an older version ?

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landi-mandi avatar image
landi-mandi answered Ā·

Hi Dierk,

sorry for my late Answer.

I Updatet the newer ini File but the Same Problem like before. Also i changed the the .ini in V3.

File "/data/dbus-goecharger/", line 189, in _update

self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tmp'])

The Go e Charger V4 Status:


Thanks a lot


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christophfe avatar image christophfe commented Ā·

Hi Chris,

As a fast fix, just comment the 4 lines in the main script around the temperature readout.


# self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])

The script should start successfully afterwards. For me the temperature is not really important to show up in VRM.



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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image
Dierk Grossfeld answered Ā·

Hi all :)

I changed personally some stuff in the script to test out how the system behaves in the different MODES.

So where is the control logic in this setup that changes the charging Amperage.

Reason for that is:
I want to be able to set it either on automatic, so the charging and power and start/stop of the charging should do everything without user interaction or to set it to manual and start/stop and change power manually.

After some testing in Automatic:
The logic is clearly NOT in the cerbo but in the charger.

At least for the official one.

So i changed the script to have the mode parameter modifyable (for now: auto and manual) and haveing some node red flows for starting and stopping and changeing the power.

Charging 2 Renault Zoes with this setup with up to 11kW in a 3 phase setup for quite a while now and works like a charm without depleting the battery.
The Zoe is kind of special when it comes to starting stopping and needs quite some attention to prevent the red nose of "i dont wanna charge".

If wanted i can add some more details here but i dont wanna highjack this thread for a different purpose.....

Kind regards,


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landi-mandi avatar image landi-mandi commented Ā·

Hi Dierk,

is node red absolutely necessary for surplus charging?

Thanks Chris

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld landi-mandi commented Ā·
Hi Chris,

you can use also something else to control that.

But the goe does not have any internal logics for changing the charge power.

Also the goe official equipment has a controller that does this.

You could also charge manually with a fixed amperage and change it by yourself.

But for real surplus charging with automatic choosen amperage there has to be some instance that implements that logic.

So sorry, no real answer.

No, it isnt absolutely necessary since there are other software solutions to do it.

Yes, if you want to do it with the venus OS, then you need node red.

Kind regards,


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izeman avatar image izeman commented Ā·
After some testing in Automatic:
The logic is clearly NOT in the cerbo but in the charger.
At least for the official one.

Did you try out DYNAMIC ESS? The issue I see is, that this integration does NOT allow changing the charge mode - it shows them, but you can't select them.

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld izeman commented Ā·
Sorry, didnt saw your response.

No, I am not using dynamic ess.

And yes, thats due to the driver. It does not implement the mode datapoint.

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rasti avatar image
rasti answered Ā·

@Dierk Grossfeld


ich habe eine Heidelberg Wallbox mit WBEC.

Ich habe um die im Victron Portal zu sehen, den Go-E Charger in Victron implementiert gemƤƟ dieser Anleitung hier =>

Das hat auch funktioniert wie man hier sehen kann, allerdings habe ich dasselbe Problem wie der User Naiki,nƤmlich dass die EV Charging Station in der graphischen Darstellung an den Critical Loads hƤngt. Es mĆ¼sste links an Grid/PV Inverter/ACLoads also an AC_in dranhƤngen.


Es wurde ja erklƤrt man mĆ¼sse die Codezeile

self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 0) in Ƥndern aber diese Zeile gibt es im aktuellen Code nicht.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# import normal packages
import platform 
import logging
import sys
import os
import sys
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
    import gobject
    from gi.repository import GLib as gobject
import sys
import time
import requests # for http GET
import configparser # for config/ini file
# our own packages from victron
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '/opt/victronenergy/dbus-systemcalc-py/ext/velib_python'))
from vedbus import VeDbusService

class DbusGoeChargerService:
  def __init__(self, servicename, paths, productname='go-eCharger', connection='go-eCharger HTTP JSON service'):
    config = self._getConfig()
    deviceinstance = int(config['DEFAULT']['Deviceinstance'])
    hardwareVersion = int(config['DEFAULT']['HardwareVersion'])

    self._dbusservice = VeDbusService("{}.http_{:02d}".format(servicename, deviceinstance))
    self._paths = paths
    logging.debug("%s /DeviceInstance = %d" % (servicename, deviceinstance))
    paths_wo_unit = [
      '/Status',  # value 'car' 1: charging station ready, no vehicle 2: vehicle loads 3: Waiting for vehicle 4: Charge finished, vehicle still connected
    #get data from go-eCharger
    data = self._getGoeChargerData()

    # Create the management objects, as specified in the ccgx dbus-api document
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/ProcessName', __file__)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/ProcessVersion', 'Unkown version, and running on Python ' + platform.python_version())
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/Connection', connection)
    # Create the mandatory objects
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/DeviceInstance', deviceinstance)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductId', 0xFFFF) # 
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductName', productname)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/CustomName', productname)    
    if data:
       self._dbusservice.add_path('/FirmwareVersion', int(data['fwv'].replace('.', '')))
       self._dbusservice.add_path('/Serial', data['sse'])
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/HardwareVersion', hardwareVersion)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Connected', 1)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/UpdateIndex', 0)
    # add paths without units
    for path in paths_wo_unit:
      self._dbusservice.add_path(path, None)
    # add path values to dbus
    for path, settings in self._paths.items():
        path, settings['initial'], gettextcallback=settings['textformat'], writeable=True, onchangecallback=self._handlechangedvalue)

    # last update
    self._lastUpdate = 0
    # charging time in float
    self._chargingTime = 0.0

    # add _update function 'timer'
    gobject.timeout_add(250, self._update) # pause 250ms before the next request
    # add _signOfLife 'timer' to get feedback in log every 5minutes
    gobject.timeout_add(self._getSignOfLifeInterval()*60*1000, self._signOfLife)
  def _getConfig(self):
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()"%s/config.ini" % (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
    return config
  def _getSignOfLifeInterval(self):
    config = self._getConfig()
    value = config['DEFAULT']['SignOfLifeLog']
    if not value: 
        value = 0
    return int(value)
  def _getGoeChargerStatusUrl(self):
    config = self._getConfig()
    accessType = config['DEFAULT']['AccessType']
    if accessType == 'OnPremise': 
        URL = "http://%s/status" % (config['ONPREMISE']['Host'])
        raise ValueError("AccessType %s is not supported" % (config['DEFAULT']['AccessType']))
    return URL
  def _getGoeChargerMqttPayloadUrl(self, parameter, value):
    config = self._getConfig()
    accessType = config['DEFAULT']['AccessType']
    if accessType == 'OnPremise': 
        URL = "http://%s/mqtt?payload=%s=%s" % (config['ONPREMISE']['Host'], parameter, value)
        raise ValueError("AccessType %s is not supported" % (config['DEFAULT']['AccessType']))
    return URL
  def _setGoeChargerValue(self, parameter, value):
    URL = self._getGoeChargerMqttPayloadUrl(parameter, str(value))
    request_data = requests.get(url = URL)
    # check for response
    if not request_data:
      raise ConnectionError("No response from go-eCharger - %s" % (URL))
    json_data = request_data.json()
    # check for Json
    if not json_data:
        raise ValueError("Converting response to JSON failed")
    if json_data[parameter] == str(value):
      return True
      logging.warning("go-eCharger parameter %s not set to %s" % (parameter, str(value)))
      return False
  def _getGoeChargerData(self):
    URL = self._getGoeChargerStatusUrl()
       request_data = requests.get(url = URL, timeout=5)
    except Exception:
       return None
    # check for response
    if not request_data:
        raise ConnectionError("No response from go-eCharger - %s" % (URL))
    json_data = request_data.json()     
    # check for Json
    if not json_data:
        raise ValueError("Converting response to JSON failed")
    return json_data
  def _signOfLife(self):"--- Start: sign of life ---")"Last _update() call: %s" % (self._lastUpdate))"Last '/Ac/Power': %s" % (self._dbusservice['/Ac/Power']))"--- End: sign of life ---")
    return True
  def _update(self):   
       #get data from go-eCharger
       data = self._getGoeChargerData()
       if data is not None:
          #send data to DBus
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/L1/Power'] = int(data['nrg'][7] * 0.1 * 1000)
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/L2/Power'] = int(data['nrg'][8] * 0.1 * 1000)
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/L3/Power'] = int(data['nrg'][9] * 0.1 * 1000)
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/Power'] = int(data['nrg'][11] * 0.01 * 1000)
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/Voltage'] = int(data['nrg'][0])
          self._dbusservice['/Current'] = max(data['nrg'][4] * 0.1, data['nrg'][5] * 0.1, data['nrg'][6] * 0.1)
          self._dbusservice['/Ac/Energy/Forward'] = int(float(data['eto']) / 10.0)
          self._dbusservice['/StartStop'] = int(data['alw'])
          self._dbusservice['/SetCurrent'] = int(data['amp'])
          self._dbusservice['/MaxCurrent'] = int(data['ama']) 
          # update chargingTime, increment charge time only on active charging (2), reset when no car connected (1)
          timeDelta = time.time() - self._lastUpdate
          if int(data['car']) == 2 and self._lastUpdate > 0:  # vehicle loads
            self._chargingTime += timeDelta
          elif int(data['car']) == 1:  # charging station ready, no vehicle
            self._chargingTime = 0
          self._dbusservice['/ChargingTime'] = int(self._chargingTime)

          self._dbusservice['/Mode'] = 0  # Manual, no control
          config = self._getConfig()
          hardwareVersion = int(config['DEFAULT']['HardwareVersion'])
          if hardwareVersion == 3:
            self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])
            self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tmp'])

          # value 'car' 1: charging station ready, no vehicle 2: vehicle loads 3: Waiting for vehicle 4: Charge finished, vehicle still connected
          status = 0
          if int(data['car']) == 1:
            status = 0
          elif int(data['car']) == 2:
            status = 2
          elif int(data['car']) == 3:
            status = 6
          elif int(data['car']) == 4:
            status = 3
          self._dbusservice['/Status'] = status

          logging.debug("Wallbox Consumption (/Ac/Power): %s" % (self._dbusservice['/Ac/Power']))
          logging.debug("Wallbox Forward (/Ac/Energy/Forward): %s" % (self._dbusservice['/Ac/Energy/Forward']))
          # increment UpdateIndex - to show that new data is available
          index = self._dbusservice['/UpdateIndex'] + 1  # increment index
          if index > 255:   # maximum value of the index
            index = 0       # overflow from 255 to 0
          self._dbusservice['/UpdateIndex'] = index

          #update lastupdate vars
          self._lastUpdate = time.time()  
          logging.debug("Wallbox is not available")

    except Exception as e:
       logging.critical('Error at %s', '_update', exc_info=e)
    # return true, otherwise add_timeout will be removed from GObject - see docs
    return True
  def _handlechangedvalue(self, path, value):"someone else updated %s to %s" % (path, value))
    if path == '/SetCurrent':
      return self._setGoeChargerValue('amp', value)
    elif path == '/StartStop':
      return self._setGoeChargerValue('alw', value)
    elif path == '/MaxCurrent':
      return self._setGoeChargerValue('ama', value)
    else:"mapping for evcharger path %s does not exist" % (path))
      return False

def main():
  #configure logging
  logging.basicConfig(      format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                                logging.FileHandler("%s/current.log" % (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))),
      from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
      # Have a mainloop, so we can send/receive asynchronous calls to and from dbus
      _kwh = lambda p, v: (str(round(v, 2)) + 'kWh')
      _a = lambda p, v: (str(round(v, 1)) + 'A')
      _w = lambda p, v: (str(round(v, 1)) + 'W')
      _v = lambda p, v: (str(round(v, 1)) + 'V')
      _degC = lambda p, v: (str(v) + 'ƂĀ°C')
      _s = lambda p, v: (str(v) + 's')
      #start our main-service
      pvac_output = DbusGoeChargerService(
          '/Ac/Power': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _w},
          '/Ac/L1/Power': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _w},
          '/Ac/L2/Power': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _w},
          '/Ac/L3/Power': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _w},
          '/Ac/Energy/Forward': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _kwh},
          '/ChargingTime': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _s},
          '/Ac/Voltage': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _v},
          '/Current': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _a},
          '/SetCurrent': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _a},
          '/MaxCurrent': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _a},
          '/MCU/Temperature': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': _degC},
          '/StartStop': {'initial': 0, 'textformat': lambda p, v: (str(v))}
  'Connected to dbus, and switching over to gobject.MainLoop() (= event based)')
      mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()            
  except Exception as e:
    logging.critical('Error at %s', 'main', exc_info=e)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Welche Zeile muss man da Ƥndern ? Oder bin ich komplett auf dem falschen Dampfer ???

VIele GrĆ¼ĆŸe


1702224886264.png (78.4 KiB)
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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

scheint also in der offiziellen auf github so nicht drin zu sein.

das kommt ans ende von:

  1. self._dbusservice.add_path('/HardwareVersion', hardwareVersion)
  2. self._dbusservice.add_path('/Connected', 1)
  3. self._dbusservice.add_path('/UpdateIndex', 0)

self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 1)

Diesen Wert kannst du verƤndern.

0 = AC Out

1 = AC IN

Hast du einen Quattro, geht auch noch 2 = AC IN 2

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rasti avatar image rasti Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Hallo Dierk,

vielen Dank fĆ¼r deine Antwort. Leider funktioniert das bei mir nicht.

Wenn ich diese eine Zeile einfĆ¼ge dann fĆ¼hrt das dazu dass das Device gar nicht mehr in Victron zu sehen ist.Nehme ich die Zeile raus, lƤuft es wieder wie vorher.

Ich hab mir mal den log angeschaut in /data/dbus-goecharger aber nichts passenendes gefunden bis auf dieses hier :

2023-12-09 15:46:16,755 root CRITICAL Error at _update
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/dbus-goecharger/", line 199, in _update
    self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])
KeyError: 'tma' 

Nur das kommt immer egal ob mit oder ohne eingefĆ¼gte neue Codezeile.

Das gesamte Log wenn du mal reinschauen willst habe ich mal hochgeladen

Viele GrĆ¼ĆŸe


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rasti avatar image
rasti answered Ā·

Kurzes Update :

1) die Fehlermeldungen im log mit der Temp sind weg, habe in der Config.ini auf HardwareVersion = 2 umgestellt. Nun wird auch der Charging Status angezeigt. Das scheint also die richtige oder bessere Einstellung fĆ¼r wbec/Heidelberg zu sein

2) das Programm ist nun auch mit der Zusatzzeile self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 1) ausfĆ¼hrbar, Problem war dass ich noch eine Leerzeile Abstand zum Restcode hatte, die Leerzeile rausgenommen, Programm lƤuft. Allerdings hat das die Position in der UI nicht geƤndert, also selbes Problem wie vorher....

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Du hast aber den Service nach dem Ƥndern der Position schon durchgestartet oder ?
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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Ich hab grade nochmal in die Modbus Register geschaut.

Die kann man bei Victron ja runterladen...
Dort steht drin:

com.victronenergy.evcharger Position 3827 uint16 1 0 to 65535 /Position yes 0=AC input 1;1=AC output;2=AC input 2

Also mein Fehler.
Ich habs genau falschrum im Kopf gehabt.

0 = AC IN 1

1 = AC OUT

2 = AC IN 2

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rasti avatar image
rasti answered Ā·

Hallo Dierk,

danke dir aber das habe ich auch schon vorher ausprobiert ....geht nicht.

Also nochmal, hier das entsprechende Codesegement

# Create the mandatory objects
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/DeviceInstance', deviceinstance)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductId', 0xFFFF) # 
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductName', productname)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/CustomName', productname)    
    if data:
       self._dbusservice.add_path('/FirmwareVersion', int(data['fwv'].replace('.', '')))
       self._dbusservice.add_path('/Serial', data['sse'])
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/HardwareVersion', hardwareVersion)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Connected', 1)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/UpdateIndex', 0)
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 0)

Auch so wird es wie gehabt im Victron Portal angezeigt. Es ist vƶllig egal, ob ich da

    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 0)                 ODER
    self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 1)

reinschreibe, angezeigt wird es immer als ob es an den kritischen Lasten,also AC_out hƤngt.

Ich habe auch probiert, per sh.restart in der Telnet/SSH Konsole das Skript neu zu starten und auch den ganzen Cerbo neu zu booten. Bleibt immer gleich falsch angeschlossen in der UI....

Viele GrĆ¼ĆŸe


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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·


Ich kann das grade nicht wirklich nachvollziehen......

Position 0:1702374492847.png

Position 1:


Bin grade ein wenig Ć¼berfragt.

Dauert zwar doch ein paar Sekunden bis das Changed, auch wenn echtzeit daten aktiviert sind, aber wechselt......

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naiki avatar image naiki commented Ā·

Ich habe das Problem mit der Position auch nicht wegbekommen... habe dann irgendwann die Ladestation wieder ausm VRM geschmissen. Vor einigen Tagen habe ich durch Zufall gesehen, dass jemand direkt EVCC als Ladestation eingebunden hat:

Das funktioniert auch mit der Position im VRM super - ich hatte jetzt nicht die MuƟe mich damit auseinander zu setzen, da mir die Lƶsung gefƤllt, aber vielleicht probierst du das mal aus oder findest den Unterschied.

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rasti avatar image
rasti answered Ā·

Das will ich auch so haben :=)

Ich hab bei meinem Victron noch die Firmware 2.89 aus Mitte 2022.

Kƶnnte das ein Problem sein ?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Das wƤre schon denkbar.

Ich bin mir Grade nicht sicher was und wo und wie es da schon gab.

Kann schon sein das es die da erst in Entwicklung gab.

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casi avatar image
casi answered Ā·

Moin moin,

ich hab leider etwas das GefĆ¼hl total falsch zu sein. Hab alles wie in der Anleitung gemacht, jedoch wollte schon auf dem PI der Service sich so nicht installieren lassen. Nach dem ich dann noch die Pfade angepasst habe das es mit "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-systemcalc-py/ext/velib_python" klappte.

Bekomme ich nun leider nur noch Fehlermeldungen.

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-systemcalc-py/ext/velib_python/", line 78, in __init__

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: self._dbusname = dbus.service.BusName(servicename, self._dbusconn, do_not_queue=True)

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 131, in __new__

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: retval = bus.request_name(name, name_flags)

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 303, in request_name

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: 'su', (name, flags))

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/", line 651, in call_blocking

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: message, timeout)

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi python3[20550]: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.74" is not allow

Dec 27 13:23:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: victron.service: Succeeded.

Hat jemand eine idee was ich falschgemacht hab?

Besten dank fĆ¼r die Arbeit und beste GrĆ¼ĆŸe


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lukasba avatar image
lukasba answered Ā·


Ich habe HW Version 4 und bekomme stƤndig im Log Temperatur Fehlermeldungen. wird denn das Projekt weiter entwickelt, oder gibt's andere Mƶglichkeiten den Go-e in Venus einzubinden?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image
Dierk Grossfeld answered Ā·

Das Problem ist eher:
Ich selbst hab z.b. einen relativ alten goe aus 2018.
Da war die API noch ein klein wenig anders als bei den moderneren und scheint offentsichtlich auch nicht so zu sein wie in der Spezifikation.

Was genau funktioniert denn nicht ?
Charger generell wird angezeigt und ausgelesen, bleibt also nur der Temperaturfehler ?

API V1 im Charger ist aktiviert ?

Normal sollte ein V4 Charger funktionieren sofern du HardwareVersion auf 3 setzt in der Config und im Charger die V1 API aktivierst Ć¼ber die APP.

Das andere Temperaturflag ist an und fĆ¼r sich eingebaut im Code:

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landi-mandi avatar image landi-mandi commented Ā·

1000090212.jpgMoin, mit meinem v4 gibt er den gleichen Fehler. Der v4 gibt unter tma zwei Werte bekannt.


[ 7.5, 3 ]

vllt liegt es daran?

GruƟ Christian

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lukasba avatar image
lukasba answered Ā·

API V1 ist an

das ist der Fehler:

2024-01-16 19:44:11,343 root CRITICAL Error at _update

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/data/dbus-goecharger/", line 199, in _update

self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])

KeyError: 'tma'

Kann man den Log ausschalten? denn der schreibt die paar Zeilen 4x pro Sekunde

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

Key Error.

Okay. Scheinbar ist das json was zurĆ¼ck kommt also doch anders.

Kannst du Mal auf die ip vom charger gehen mit

http://<IP>/status gehen und den Output Posten ?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Alternativ auch das Data.... Nach dem Gleichzeichen mit 0 ersetzen.

Dann steht halt keine Temperatur drin.

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lukasba avatar image lukasba Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
und wo?
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lukasba avatar image lukasba lukasba commented Ā·
OK habe es geschafft
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lukasba avatar image lukasba Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Ja kƶnnte ich, in welchen Zeilen stehen Personenbezogene Daten, damit ich die x-en kann`?
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lukasba avatar image lukasba lukasba commented Ā·
Anscheinend wird im Status kein tma und kein tmp ausgegeben
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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld lukasba commented Ā·
Interessant. Wieso das entfernt wurde weiƟ ich leider auch nicht.
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landi-mandi avatar image landi-mandi Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Hallo Dierk,

hatte den Status weiter oben schon geteilt.



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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld landi-mandi commented Ā·

Scheinbar wurde das komplett entfernt.

self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])


self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = 0


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landi-mandi avatar image landi-mandi Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Hallo Dierk,

scheint so zu funktionieren.

Besten Dank

GruƟ Chris

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld landi-mandi commented Ā·

Top :D

Dann steht halt nur im VRM und in der Cerbo bei Temperatur 0Ā°C.
Imho ist das verschmerzbar.
Trotzdem komisch.

Eigentlich ist in der json response der tma key mit zwei werten belegt (wie oben gepostet).
Dann sollte aber
self._dbusservice['/MCU/Temperature'] = int(data['tma'][0])

eigentlich passen.

Ausser, das steht ausserhalb der Struktur.

Solange es nun funktioniert.....

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lukasba avatar image lukasba Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Bei mir auch, danke
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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld landi-mandi commented Ā·
Oder den if Block ab 198 komplett entfernen.

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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered Ā·


does anyone know, if this VRM integration would also work with KEBA P30 X-Series Wallboxes?

i found the Keba-ModusTCP-Manual here:

Really would like to have this also shown in VRM like you did.

thank you!

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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered Ā·

anyone, any ideas?!

Or let me ask in a different way:

Does this wallbox-integration work with GO-E only, or could also any other Modbus-Wallbox be integrated by this approach?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Seems like the Keba only uses Modbus.

The go-E has an http rest api that is used for this driver and polls the go-E with those calls directly.

I dont know that Keba wallboxes.

Are they go-E based ?

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pedaaa avatar image pedaaa Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

thank you, but that does not sound good...

I have not found anything about rest API or similar.

I found, that KEBA supports UDP/ModbusTCP/X1/X2/OCPP:

with Google i find some thread and infos about Rest-API on KEBA, but not in any KEBA Manuals so far...?!

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domii666 avatar image
domii666 answered Ā·

gibt es eine Mƶglichkeit 2 goE Wallboxen zu integrieren?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image
Dierk Grossfeld answered Ā·

Theorhetisch gehts, wenn man den Treiber unterschiedlich konfiguriert (IP und Instanznummer) und in zwei unterschiedliche Verzeichnisse unter /data legt.
Ob die Cerbo und das VRM damit umgehen kann ist die Frage.

Vermutlich schon.
Ich denke Victron wird durchaus auch selber FƤlle haben wo sie mehrere ihrer eigenen Wallboxen an einer Cerbo haben.

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jonaspv avatar image
jonaspv answered Ā·

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe letztes Wochenende meine Go-echarger (Hardwareversion 4) angeschlossen, eingrichtet und mit Hilfe des Treibers mit dem Cerbo verbunden.

Die Verbindung scheint auch erstmal zu funktionieren, ich kann die akutelle Ladeleistung sehen, den Ladestrom ebenso und diesen auch Ƥndern. Allerdings kann ich weder Ć¼ber das VRM Portal noch Ć¼ber die Remote Konsle den Modus des Chargers Ƥndern und auch nicht einstellen wo dieser am ESS angeschlossen ist (AC-In oder AC-Out) im VRM Portal erhalte ich eine Fehlermeldung zur Kommunikation, in der Remote Konsole wird die Einstellung nicht Ć¼bernommen.

Im Treiber an sich habe ich HW Version 3 ausgewƤhlt, weil es 4 dort nicht gibt.

GrĆ¼ĆŸe Jonas

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izeman avatar image izeman commented Ā·
Das geht auch nicht. Wurde nicht implementiert. Leider.
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jonaspv avatar image jonaspv izeman commented Ā·
Achso schade, aber wo der charger angeschlossen ist mĆ¼sste man doch einstellen kƶnnen, oder auch nicht?
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izeman avatar image izeman jonaspv commented Ā·
Sorry. Verstehe deine Frage nicht. Was genau willst du machen?
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jonaspv avatar image jonaspv izeman commented Ā·

Bei mir lƤsst sich nicht einstellen wo der Charger angeschlossen ist (AC-In oder AC-Out) immer wenn ich unter dem MenĆ¼punkt etwas einstelle und dann erneut in das menĆ¼ gehe, steht bei Position wieder "unkown"

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passra avatar image
passra answered Ā·

Hello @Dierk Grossfeld ,

I installed the script today and it works fine.The connection to AC-IN is also displayed correctly.

Thank you for your work :-)


I have two questions:

1. is there a way to shrink the view at VRM? I want to show 3 chargers and so i don't want to show so much information and I want changed the name:


Where does the code need to be modified?

2. is there a way also to show the charger at the web-interface/remote-console?


Thank you

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·

actually the work has been done by @vikt0rm ;-)
I am also only using it.

Actually it seems to be the same with the victron chargers as well.

Mine has a different name in the cerbo and its nevertheless shown as ev charging station in the vrm.



So i fear its not possible to change the name right now. Maybe Victron can change the vrm to also use the name from the cerbo.

Also the local remote console does not show the charger. i guess its due to space requirements for the gui (if you have ac and dc coupled pv the gui is "full").


Its also possible that this gets changed when the gui-v2 becomes production ready.....

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passra avatar image
passra answered Ā·

I have now registered all 3 chargers. The VRM dashboard packs all 3 into one display.
That's great, as the display doesn't take up much more space than when displaying just one charger


Looks good, but the missing display in the remote console is a pity. I hope there will be an extension from Victron.

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jonaspv avatar image jonaspv commented Ā·
Hello @passraā€‹, how did you change the position of the charger?

When I change the Position from unkown (when it says unkown it is at the AC-Out) to the AC-Input, the cerbo doesn't safe that and when i enter the menu again, it switched back to unkown.

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floki avatar image
floki answered Ā·

Hello @Dierk Grossfeld

thank you for your support

How did you change the mode from manual to automatic.

If I choose automatic, it jumps out of the menu again and it stays at manual.

What does automatic do?

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Dierk Grossfeld avatar image Dierk Grossfeld commented Ā·
Hey @Floki ,

youre welcome :)

To answer that in short: NOTHING in our case.

Long answer:

The EV Charging Facility in Venus OS is made for the official EV Charging Station from Victron so we are only "backpacking" on it and make use of an already existing facility.

After some research i found that the automatic/manual/time based charging modes are not controlled via the cerbo. It only passes that information on the dbus->modbus to the official charging station that has the logic for the pv surplus charging.

So actually, there is no logic on the cerbo itself to do something automatic.

Since the goe also cant do it by itself, you have to self implement something like this.

I beta changed the goe-integration to support setting that mode and do the logic in node red by "not so simply" changing the amps setting on the goe up and down.

But that more a convenience setting for me to distinguish between:
Automatic = Self ramp up and down


Manual = Setting a fixed amperage to charge with and also drain the battery.

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joaquim-pedro avatar image
joaquim-pedro answered Ā·

hi, sorry IĀ“m a noob but I have a go-e charger and a multiplus with a cerbo Gx, to install in the cerbo GX witch are the procedures? thanks

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gonzo96 avatar image gonzo96 commented Ā·

Hi @Joaquim Pedro ,

  1. enable root access to your VenusOS (running on cerbo GX) ->
  2. upload the whole github repository to /data or /data/etc (I use WinSCP for file transfer to my VenusOS and use the /data/etc path)
  3. edit permissions of the three files "", "", "" so that execution is possible ("0744" or "rwxr--r--" is minimum I think)
  4. edit config.ini and set at least your IP
  5. run

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Related Resources


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Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)