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rob1no asked

Cannot configure my Victron Ethernet remote

Hi everyone,

I am currently doing an internship and the company I work for has bought several BMV-700H's and Victron Ethernet Remotes a few years back. They used it to monitor a few 24V lead-acid batteries. i want to do the same for my assignement, but I cannot seem to be able to reach the victron ethernet remote on my laptop. Not on VGR Configure with USB and not on the VRM with a LAN-cable connected to my laptop.

My dealer said that it is possible that these ethernet remotes are not supported anymore. Is this true? I really want this setup to work, because there is no time to wait for a new order if I have to buy different devices to read out my BMV-700H.

Besides the Ethernet remote or other devices is it maybe possible to read the output of the BMV-700H with 3rd party devices like a PLC? If this is possible then a ethernet remote would not be extremely necessary

Kind regards,


victron products
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