
alex-2 avatar image
alex-2 asked

Using mini bms with Multiplus

Hi everyone

I’m getting conflicting answers about using the mini bms.
I have 4 100Ah smart LiFePO4 batteries, so need a bms.
some say I can’t connect it with my Multiplus 3000 and need a standard BMS and some say I can use the mini with a specific cable?

so the question is - can I or can’t I?

many thanks


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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·,

the smallBMS does not have a VE.Bus interface and thus not able to control your MultiPus via VE.Bus. I suggest using either the VE.Bus BMS or the Lynx Smart BMS, which are perfectly designed to control VE.Bus Invert/Chargers.

See also the comparison chart of all BMSs here:

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