
david-eber avatar image
david-eber asked

MPPT bluetooth connection disappears when connecting CCGX

For some reason when I connect my MPPT 150/100 v1.59 to my new CCGX via VE.Direct I can no longer see the MPPT device under VictronConnect's "local" bluetooth tab. I can only access my MPPT via the VRM tab. Does anyone know it this is a deliberate feature or do I have some other issue. I've read the manuals and do not see that the bluetooth is disabled when connecting to the CCGX.

As soon as I disconnect the VE Direct cable I see the device pop up under "local" tab in VictronConnect app.

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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @David Eber

This is a deliberate feature as the internal bluetooth dongle in de mppt uses the same VE.Direct connection as the external connector. Because only one of them can use this VE.Direct connection at any given time, the internal connection to the dongle is disabled (and with that the dongle itself) when an external VE.Direct connection is made. Unfortunately, there is no way around this for local bluetooth connections.

However, when the CCGX is connected to the VRM website, it is possible to login to VRM in VictronConnect and access the CCGX via internet/VRM on the VRM tab in VictronConnect. Via the CCGX, it is possible to access the MPPT and see the status, history and settings. But as said, this does require an internet connection both on the CCGX and on the phone.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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