
archie avatar image
archie asked

Phoenix 12 2000 Fan running constantly

The cooling fan on my near new phoenix 12 2000 will constantly run even if I switch it on for a second with 0 load and then switch it straight back off.

I have to disconnect the inverter at the 12v circuit breaker and switch it back on and the fan will stay off, but as soon as I switch the inverter on for a second and off again, the fan will just stay on again.

Inverter is pretty much new, fault randomly started happening. It was fine when first installed. No wiring had been changed, and settings have been reset to default but no luck. All wiring has been triple checked and secured.

Anyone experienced this before? User manual has nothing about it, and google brought up a couple of things but no definitive answers.

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you will need to take it back to who you purchased it from for testing. and replacement if needed

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