
bergyla avatar image
bergyla asked

Integration of Network USB Sharing in GX-Devices

Might it be possible to integrate an USB network sharing service into GX-Devices?
I´m using a external Raspberry PI to connect an MK3 adapter and could connect anywhere via Intranet to this Raspberry and use the connected USB-devices the same way as local connected devices.
Even firmware updates are possible that way.
But while the raspberry is powered from a Multiplus II inverter output, resetting the device means cutting the branch I´m sitting on.

As it may not an technical difference using the GX or an external Raspberry PI, might it be possible to integrate this service into the GX, or to to integrate a option to run the installation by the user.

VirtualHere is a commercial product, which allows to share any amount of connected USB-Devices to Remote Clients. The license costs about $49. For enduseres, there is a version for RaspberryPI free of charge, able to share one device.

I´m afraid that this license might not cover upfront installation on commercial products.
But if user could trigger the installscript

curl | sudo sh

by himself without having to root the device...

This could produce added-value to many GX-customers...



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The way I understand it is that VitualHere works with USB devices, the idea being to provide remote USB ports to a computer or local USB ports to a remote VM for example, this is how I use it.

The MK3 inside a VenusGX or CerboGX is not hanging off a USB port but it is hanging off a native UART which VirtualHere does not see. So I'm not sure that this idea would work unless these were USB MK3 devices on the installations. Of course this would be the case if the Venus device is a RPi which would always have a USB MK3.

I could be wrong and VirtualHere can also share UARTs?

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