
maartenj avatar image
maartenj asked

Tail current cut-off in MultiPlus charging algorithm

In my MultiPlus LiFePO4 charging profile, it is not possible to end the absorption phase based on reaching a set tail current. In more devices like the Blue Smart Charger this setting/criterium does exist.

Has there been a firmware update where this feature is enabled, or, are there plans to develop such?

best regards, Maarten

battery chargingLithium Battery
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2 Answers
rslifkin avatar image
rslifkin answered ·

As far as I know, this isn't available on any Multiplus firmware. I've been wishing for this feature as well.

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vet avatar image
vet answered ·

Any hope to have this feature in MultiPlus? Or at least to have posibility to set max. Absorption time from 1 minute not from 1 hour?

In other words: is where any posibility to do not overcharge all the time LiFePO4 using MultiPlus ???

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