
regstrom avatar image
regstrom asked

Multi RS Solar AC IN Relais Problem

Hello to the Victron community, I have decided on a Multi RS Solar and run it with an Lto memory with 123BMS Gen3.

The problem, the AC IN relay sometimes goes haywire or switches on off, on off, on off etc..
since this can of course not be good for the device, I ask for technical advice or could it be a software error?
But it doesn't always happen.

With best regards
Schroeder Daniel
inverter rs
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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

Have you looked on VRM to see if it caused by voltage/frequency problems with the grid? Can happen the inverter disconnects and then reconnects and then disconnects because of grid stability problems.

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regstrom avatar image regstrom commented ·

Hallo shane, nein ich habe momentan vrm noch nicht aktiv aber werde vielleicht in Zukunft einen globalen Link dazuschalten. Die Stromquelle hol ich bei mir aus dem öffentlichen Netz und ist ein TN-S als Netzart.

Mfg Daniel

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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic