
jpearson1223 avatar image
jpearson1223 asked

Multiplus II Ignores "Low Temperature Shutdown" Threshold


I am creating this post on behalf of a fellow client of ours. Our client recently bought 2 Multiplus II's and configured them into split-phase (master/slave). Both units seem to work well except the slave unit or Leg 2 (the second Multiplus II in the set up) seems to ignore the Low Temperature shutdown threshold. Our client reached out to us about the problem attaching a YouTube video describing the issue and the specific set up that we will link as well. After inspecting the video and specific Victron Configure programming settings we asked the client to send us for BOTH units, it appears that both Multiplus II's are set up with the proper and identical settings however leg 2 (or the slave unit) completely ignores the threshold. This seems like it might be a firmware like issue, but incase anyone else is dealing with this issue, we'd like to shed light on it in hopes we can either find a fix through the community, or hopefully this brings enough attention to come out with a firmware update fixing the issue.

Link to YouTube Video:

Multiplus-IIfirmware updatetemperature
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @Jpearson1223 , this is just a note that I’ve seen your report, we’ll look into it and get back to you. Thanks for the report. Matthijs
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jpearson1223 avatar image jpearson1223 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Very thankful to hear this, thank you!
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1 Answer
pba avatar image
pba answered ·

fyi: Monday (Jan 31) we plan to release new firmware (revision 494) and a new VEConfigure which addresses this issue.

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