
Todd Landfried avatar image
Todd Landfried asked

Not seeing Multiplus-II firmware update 471 in VictronConnect app

I saw the blog post for a new firmware update for the Multplus-II, but it doesnโ€™t appear on our IOS VictronConnect app. How come?

Multiplus-IIfirmware update
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

If it is that urgent to update the firmware, than use VEflash instead of VictronConnect.
But for this you have to download the firmware file from the Victron Professional Portal.
There you get the very last firmware 473.

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Todd Landfried avatar image Todd Landfried commented ยท

We donโ€™t have windows laptops, only Macs. Weโ€™re having trouble with the inverter shutting down prematurely (e.g., saying low voltage with it isnโ€™t) and weโ€™re hoping this update solves the problem. Weโ€™re also not installers, weโ€™re the system owner.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) โ™ฆโ™ฆ Todd Landfried commented ยท

Hi @Todd Landfried

The firmware update will also wipe all settings, requiring reconfiguation of the system. It is protected by a password and only intended for trained installers.

Please contact your installer and discuss the system issues with them first, before trying to fix it yourself by doing firmware updates and such.

I just tested the firmware update procedure with VictronConnect version 5.20 as described in the VictronConnect manual, and it worked and offered my MultiPlus-II an update to 471.

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firmware-update.mp4 (20.6 MiB)

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