
bris31 avatar image
bris31 asked

Phoenix Inverter Smart 12/2000W stopped working

My 9 months old Phoenix Inverter Smart 12/2000W (1600VA | 3000VA) have stopped working all of sudden. It is connected to 12V/200Ah Lithium battery and when switched on, all 3 lights on the panel comes up for couple of seconds and then goes off, without any humming sound (that it used to have when it was working ok). Lithium battery is fully charged. I have checked the circuit breaker ok (200amp heavy duty MP brand and to make sure replaced with another brand new one).

What more troubleshooting can I do?

Thanks in advance.

Phoenix Inverter
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

change the battery with one that has NO internal BMS as a test - and or check the voltage at the terminals in the inverter and make sure its the correct voltage WHEN the inverter is first turned on - sometimes the inverter surge current - when its first connected to a battery will cause the batteries internal BMS to turn off as it exceeds the batteries BMS specs.

not saying this is the case as you have not given much information about the battery and the bms being used - so this is just a guess to start you off

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bris31 avatar image
bris31 answered ·

Thanks for your response.

200Ah Lithium battery (DCS) has built in BMS and shows SOC% = 96%, voltage=13.43V (cycle count at 32 /temp @ 22C).

Voltage on Victron inverter's terminal is same as above i.e 13.40V (as per victron manual it is within input voltage range of 9.5–17V DC).

I bought battery & inverter from the same seller.

I don't have another battery to test but have sent message to seller to test the inverter & battery, only they are closed for until after new year. So trying to see if the fix is simple (like if there is a reset button on inverter?).

Background of incident when/how it happened - Inverter was working ok with Microwave which I used for 2 minutes only that morning. I switched off inverter after this use and switched on again after about 30 min when it stopped working. Otherwise battery is only being used for running a 12V fridge/freezer (consumption about 35Ah/day) and charging some gadgets by USB. I always switch off the inverter after use - which is 2-3 times a day for maximum 20-30min/day.

Appreciate your ideas.


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bris31 avatar image
bris31 answered ·
Problem is fixed now.
Hold the mode button in the front panel for 4 seconds, that fixed it.
Inverter is working as normal now.

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davidprice avatar image davidprice commented ·
Having trouble with mine not working to not sure where the mode button is the automatic fuse will not reset anybody got any ideas please
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davidprice avatar image
davidprice answered ·

It’s to Phoenix multi +12+1600 5 amp Completely dead now

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