
maloya avatar image
maloya asked

Cerbo GX many MPPT's

I just got the Cerbo GX. Is very important that I know how to manage the VE.connect. I have 3 MPPT's, one wind generator, and one BMV 700 to connect. How can I do that with only 3 VE.connect? Any body knows? Today I was planning to order some VE.CONNECT cables, before I expend any money I would like to know more.

cerbo gx3 phase
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Maloya,

you can also use the USB ports on the Cerbo GX. For that you need a VE.Direct to USB adapter.

And if they are all in use, you can extend the USB ports with an active Hub.

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maloya avatar image maloya commented ·
Thank you very much! You solve my problem. Even the to USB are so expensive
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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Are you referring to VE.Direct?

This may be of use to you:

Summary: VE.Smart the controllers together to have them coordinate charging (assuming they're smart units)

If the MPPT support it, connect via VE.Can rather than VE.Direct.

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maloya avatar image maloya commented ·
Thank you, yes it is VE.Direct :-)
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snoobler avatar image snoobler maloya commented ·
Are the MPPT also VE.Can capable?
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