
marcp72 avatar image
marcp72 asked

Smartshunt SOC error

Hi All, I have just charged up fully my 2x170ah agm victron batteries. I noticed a discharge from 13.2 to 11.9 over last 12h period, is this normal? System is idle , pulling 3-5w when in idle state. Seems also to be a discrepancy with the soc showing at 99.6% now at 11.9v. Does this seem normal? Any input appreciated

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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

13.2 to 11.9V in 12h is not normal if you're only pulling a 3-5W load. Something is wrong. Not sure what yet.

Confirm voltage with a separate meter.

How did you charge them and to what voltage?

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