
michael-keller avatar image
michael-keller asked

How to see values of EM24 energy meter


I recently started to build up a ESS System with Cerbo GX, EM24 energy meter and a Multiplus 2. Since batteries are not yet delivered, I mounted, connected everything except for them. unfortunately I am not able to see the values of the EM24.

- In cerbo GX menu und energy meters, the EM24 is displayed so it should be connected correctly

- in the remote portal, I only see very small values for the grid like 1-10W. These values cannot be true.

Q1: What do I have to do to see the overall power consumption or feed-in power on the EM24?

Q2: What are the values on the EM24 display for? I found no explanation. I there a way to display overall power consumption or feed-in power directly on the EM24?

Many thanks for your feedback

best regards


ESSEnergy Meterem24
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1 Answer
michael-keller avatar image
michael-keller answered ·

Dear all,

I just found the problem. The Key switch on the EM24 was in "lock" position. In the manual there is a small hint that the switch must no be in this position while setup because the GX device has to configure it. After changing the switch, everything is displayed fine in Remote portal. Also I can se the values on the display directly when the switch is in position 2.



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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

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