
brucevanderbilt avatar image
brucevanderbilt asked

Lynx Power In vs Distributor Fusing Requirements for Lithium Batteries

Many Victron diagrams show Lithium batteries connected to a Lynx distributor using a MEGA fuse. A number of online resources seem to indicate that MEGA fuses are not safe for Lithium batteries. And that a class T fuse is the best option. Victron smart lithium battery manuals do not specify. Is there any kind of Victron guidance here. For example, should I use the Lynx Power In and Class T fuses on the battery cables, or am I safe using the appropriately sized MEGA fuses for my Victron Lithium batteries? My system has 4x 330ah 12v batteries.

Lithium Batteryfuses
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2 Answers
steffen-graap avatar image
steffen-graap answered ·

Fuses are not to protect the equipment, but to protect the cables.

The protection of the lithium battery must be guaranteed by a BMS.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Why shouldn't a Mega fuse be safe for lithium batteries?

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Related Resources

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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