
dingaling avatar image
dingaling asked

Phoenix 3000va inverter overload alarm cut out on medium load, but Fine on high load!

This is really weird, I'm at a loss what's going on. I've just unpacked the new Phoenix smart 3000va 24V inverter from box and installed to test before deploying. Ran a hair dryer at medium setting (about 800va), and within about 10-15 seconds inverter switches off with an overload alarm. But you can tax the inverter and run the hairdryer on full power (about 2000va) and the inverter has no issues what so ever, in fact it can handle 2 circular saw power tools at the same time, no problems.

So i tried this same hairdryer on another identical Victron 24V Phoenix 3000va inverter and no problems at all, and just to be sure i ran a different hair dryer as a test, and it too on a medium setting also caused this inverter to cut out with an overload alarm. Sending the unit back is probably the only option, and will delay things by weeks-month. So I'm just reaching out in case anyone has any information that could help, or has run into this weird problem before? I have updated to the latest firmware as of about a week ago.

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

This could just be down to the way the hair dryer reduces it's power. Sometimes this is done simply by switching a diode in series with the heater. This provides a heavily asymetric load on the inverter, which is probably what is causing the overload alarm at mid power.

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dingaling avatar image
dingaling answered ·

Well i should of added, it works fine on my other Victron inverter which is the exact same model. I've also tried another hair dryer, and only on medium setting does it seem to cause this inverter to set off an overload alarm and shut off as well. Its really odd.

But your explanation about the heavy asymmetric load is really interesting. Ill have to read up on this.

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