
aslanhobbes avatar image
aslanhobbes asked

Does VRM require a Victron Inverter to show AC loads?

I added RPi with VenusOS. So far it looks great but I don't know how how to get make use of these two boxes (AC input, AC output) given my inverter is Magnum not Victron. Is there a way to either 1) remove these boxes from the dashboard or 2) measure usage on Magnum inverter using a hall sensor?

I have SmartSolar MPPT , Orion-Tr Smart DC to DC and SmartShunt. So far I have only connected Smartshunt. I will connect the Solar this weekend once I make the cable.

Thanks in advance. I think it is just cool that Victron made VenusOS available to everyone.


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No not necessarily. You can add a meter to the system andsee the information through the GX

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aslanhobbes avatar image aslanhobbes commented ·
Thanks! I didn't know there was such a product like that.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ aslanhobbes commented ·
One small warning: I dont know if using such meter will result in the loads properly showing.

If they do: then you are in luck. If they don’t: then bad luck. And it wont be looked at or fixed.

Working with non-victron inverters is not something we design for.

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