
raymiller avatar image
raymiller asked

Bug report: Pylontech 2500 Battery-Remote Console-Details &VRM data errors

I'm commissioning three Pylontech 2500 batteries with a new Cerbo GX and came across two problems with the remote console "Details" display of data and the data reported by the VRM data widget. (the battery operation is working nominally)

1/ the Details screen (remote console) description has the first two labels of the "Lowest cell voltage" and "Highest cell voltage" reversed. The VRM widget display also has these labels reversed.

2/ Something is very wrong with the display of the Lowest and Highest cell temperatures.
The Details screen is also reporting the "Minimum cell temperature" and "Maximum cell temperature" incorrectly. For an ambient temperature of 24C and battery temp of 24C and a small charge current 7.5A @ 26.88V for 3 units (333Ah) the reported max and min cell temperatures are -33C and -43C. The next day when the ambient temperature had dropped to 21C, reported -63C & -73C.

I tried each of the brand new batteries separately (i.e. not connected together via RS232 cable) moving the CAN cable to each in turn and each of the "Cell temperatures" was the same i.e -33C. I would have expected the cell temperature should have been (under the operating conditions) to have been very close to the battery temperature at 24C plus/minus no more than 1C.

I also have observed that the reported battery temperature resolution is 1 degree C (no problem with this), with the cell temperature incremented in units of 10C. This might hint at the possible cause of the problem.

The battery otherwise seems to be operating nominally and the local LED display is not showing any problems. Otherwise, the Pylontech 2500 BMS CAN bus connection to the Cerbo GX was simple and quick commissioning, complements on making it so easy.

I'll try to post screenshots of the problem, for some reason the current session does not allow images.

Pylontechremote consolebug report
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raymiller avatar image raymiller commented ·

It also looks like the erroneous Max and Min cell temp data is also collected by VRM I downloaded the data and plotted the data.. the scaling is in 10C increments, negative etc.. Hope this helps in locating the source of the issues and correcting it.



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9 Answers
raymiller avatar image
raymiller answered ·

Bug Report Remote Console Display of "Details" Pylontech UP2500 (24V) battery information is incorrect.

The incorrect "Details" came to light while fault-finding a faulty new battery. The incorrect display did not help the investigation and hopefully, the software issue will be fixed soon with my detailed explanation of the problems.

-As I reported earlier the "Lowest cell voltage" and "Highest Cell Voltage" are reversed. The data label is also reversed in the VRM data downloaded.

-I suspect that the Min and Max cell temperature labels are reversed as well.

- the Min and Max cell temperature data is displayed incorrectly.

Using the manufacturer software "Battery View" the "Auxillary Information" screen data is in the order of the downloaded data i.e. top to bottom Max first then Min for both temperature and voltage.

Pylontech temp reported - Victron Energy cell temp data display

The Victron Details of cell temperature go up in -10C steps for each 1 degree C change.

30C = 23C

29C= 13C

28C= 3C

27C= -3C

26C= -13C

25C= -23C

24C= -33C

23C= -43C

22C= -53C

21C= -63C

20C= -73C



Pylontech UP2500 Battery View software display of battery data.


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CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV answered ·


What Venus OS version are you using? In my case (using pylontech us3000) this menu is gone since couple of versions. I don't need it necessarily, as the batteries are working fine, I have the BatteryView installed, but I'm just curious how come you still have this menu.



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raymiller avatar image
raymiller answered ·

The latest firmware V 2.73 in the Cerbo GX and Venus GX, at the same time I need to replace the Venus GX with the Cerbo GX as I ran out of the various ports. The redundant Venus GX was then pressed into service monitoring only the faulty battery, the same page is available on both GX units.

1632797202937.png This is my first Pylontech battery install UP2500 24V 2.55kWh x 3 units, so I've not seen anything different. To boot I have a faulty battery and Pylontech support sent me the "Battery View" software, with even more detailed cell info on the whole battery, confirming that it appears the cell balancing component of the BMS is not functioning ( I have cell voltages all over the place).

The Detail page is useful, especially for remote monitoring and the data is available.

Could someone at Victron at least acknowledge they have read my Bug Report? A reply with any relevant action would be appreciated.


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ich10 avatar image
ich10 answered ·


Habe das gleiche Problem, gibt es endlich eine Lösung?

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ich10 avatar image
ich10 answered ·

Firmware V2.90 bringt auch keine Änderung

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sun2home avatar image
sun2home answered ·

Habe das gleiche Problem. Innerhalb Firmware V3.01 ist es auch noch nicht behoben.

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Andrew avatar image
Andrew answered ·

Hi Victron,

Can someone please help look into the data issue as I can confirm this issue is still present, the exact say issue as Raymiller has stated above.

Current tested Version Venus 3.10 with same faulty data reading.

Have confirmed with Pylontech that V1.1 is the latest battery firmware and is presenting correct data as it should be, Venus GX doesnt seem to be reading parameters correctly which I have also tested in both BMS.CAN(500kbps) and VE.CAN(500kbps) ports.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
1 comment
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Andrew avatar image Andrew commented ·
Hi Guy,

Hoping you can help with this if possible. This is the third system I have helped clients with which is still reporting the wrong data. We are planning to do some CAN testing to get to the bottom of this but if there is anything Victron can help do so we can get this showing the correct data that would be much appreciated.

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brennywa avatar image
brennywa answered ·

Did any one find a solution for this issue?

I have just installed x5 Pylon 2500 with a Multiplus 2. I have the same issue in the battery details section. Does it have any negative effect on the systems operation?

The system seems to operate correctly other that a High Voltage alarm from BMS. From what I have read I believe this is a cell balancing thing which can occur with new battery installs. I am hoping that sorts it self out.

Do I need to worry about the incorrect cell voltage and temperature data?20240711-161336.jpg20240711-161330.jpg

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron Pylontech battery compatibility guide