
dzm9508 avatar image
dzm9508 asked

Adding a generator to a split-phase configuration Quattros system?

Hello community,

So I'm trying to implement a system of two single-phase Quattros that can give me one two-phase output. I'd also be adding a bank of batteries to this system. This bank of batteries should only be used when the grid goes out. If within 15 minutes the grid is still out, I'd like a generator to start working and feed the loads. Is there any way to configure this kind of timing of a generator? If so, how's the wiring? Can you please refer me to a connections diagram?

I'll also be using a Color Control.

Is there a way for the generator to stop working after the grid is available again?

Thank you for your respones, have a nice day

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerGenerator
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

A split-phase system using a pair of Quatros is certainly possible. You can also set up two Quatros to work with two legs of a 3-phase grid (phases 120 degrees apart).

The generator would need the same configuration as the grid.

A GX device (color control or Cerbo) can also control the generator start stop based on a rich collection of conditions. Usually, this involves battery state of charge but does not need to.

You will also need a battery monitor such as the SmartShunt. Multis and Quatros have internal SOC calculations but since you would be running two of them, their calculations would not be accurate.

Victron provides a wide variety of system schematics:

The closest to what I am guessing you want is this one: Split Phase Quattro system with Cerbo GX Touch 50 Discover 42-48-6650 Smart Solar MPPT's

You need to decide on battery type, total energy stored, and 12, 24, 48 volt to the Quatros. There are also several Quatro models that should fit your power needs.

Quatros also allow you to feed two distribution panels: one for critical loads and ones that would not be powered by the inverter, but would be powered by grid or generator.

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