
patrickschweizer avatar image
patrickschweizer asked

Phoenix Inverter 24/3000 Smart: Fan stopped working

Hello Community,

I have a problem with my Phoenix Inverter 24/3000 Smart. We installed it this January and it was working great.

But a few days ago we had a over temperature situation (green and red lights flashing twice). It turned out that the fan was not spinning.

I opened the housing and unhooked the cable of the fan and connected it directly to the battery. The fan works without problems.

It seems the fan controller has a problem?

The inverter is installed on our sailboat and we are hundreds of miles away from the next Victron dealer. Thus it would be great if I could get input on how to proceed with the problem further...

Thank you!

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Not much you can do really, except to power the fan manually until you can take the unit to a victron dealer or use some other thermostat control to turn the fan off and on.

MAYBE you could play with the programmable assistants area (I personally have not done this on a pheonix unit) and turn the fan ON when say load was above say 1000 watts, This may work directly with the fan or you may have to activate the fan through the small relay on the phoenix (if the phoenix has one thats is)

just a possible help out for you good luck

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patrickschweizer avatar image
patrickschweizer answered ·

@Paul B, thanks for your input!

You are thinking along the same lines as what I have tried: Wire the fan externally and turn it on whenever I turn the inverter on. That worked for a few days.

But now the over heat situation seems to come randomly. Sometimes even with no load just after turning the inverter on :-/

Probably I need to bring it to a dealer after all :-(

That is sad since I bought it for its reputation of reliability ...

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