
incree avatar image
incree asked

Solar / pump project

Hi All,

My apologies for the basic level of these questions!

I have a project in mind and I really need help because I don't want to make mistakes.

The project is to using solar panels to power water pumps to provide water (from a stream) to my crops.

So, I planned to buy:

- 6 solar panels of 300-350w each

- 6 water pumps of 240w (CC 24v / 10a or 12v / 20a) each

My wishes :

- Ideally, each panel feeds and controls its own water pump.

- No need for storage / battery

- Remote control management

- MPPT system to optimize performance

- But most importantly: I want to have a regenerative system in case the water pumps are not needed or when the solar panel delivers more power than necessary.

What are the equipment needed for this installation?

Thank you in advance for any help!


MPPT ControllersSolar PanelOrion DC-DC Converters not smart
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3 Answers
kai avatar image
kai answered ·

That's a system design question which is better handled by a professional.

Just quickly going through your list I can see that physical placement may matter (i.e. are the panels/pumps separated or grouped, and how far are they apart?) Remote control management - ok, wireless or wired, and from where? Do you have an existing conduit/pathway for wired? Do you have existing locations to fit the equipment into? When do you need the pumps to run? What if there isn't enough light? When you say regenerative, do you mean providing power back into the grid? (in which case, depending on your location there may be anti-islanding requirements).

Someone will have to work through questions like these with you (and/or suss out from a site visit) to work up proposed designs.

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dalewright avatar image
dalewright answered ·

Hey Incree

I’m planning a very similar project and keen to use Victron for remote management.

Did you find away to control the pump from Victron?

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Tore Moen avatar image
Tore Moen answered ·

I found something here that don't need any battery (not Victron):

Backup power can be taken from grid, but I don't thonk thats required. I have no further info.

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