
stian-mo-faersnes avatar image
stian-mo-faersnes asked

Victron inverter in eco-mode does not work with Liebherr CP 4313 combined fridge/freezer.

Victron inverter in eco-mode does not work with Liebherr CP 4313 combined fridge/freezer even though the Liebherr energy consumption is about 60W and Victron is set to 15W in ecomode. Anyone who know any solution? B. r. Stian.

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

Dont use it, the inverter cant ramp up the power from sleeping, known issue. A fridge compressor is a serious load on a good day with up to 10 times startup current. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesent. The compressor suffers from being stalled due to a failed start attempt

If you need to conserve energy and its the sole user, the thermostat in the fridge can be used to act towards the remote channel to wake up the inverter. In a perfect world with a delay towards startup.

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