
luis-miguel-guevara-hinojosa avatar image
luis-miguel-guevara-hinojosa asked

Phoenix Inverter 24 1200VA will drop battery voltage from 24 to 10 at 0W load


Our inverter was connected to a couple of PC, phones and a modem like allways but it failed and shuted down somehow, now if I turn on the inverter it will drop the battery voltage from 25 to 10V at 0W and show the blinking red light without green after completely disconnect, after turned completly off the battery voltage will raise again. What could be wrong with the inverter? I suspect that there was some backfeed from a microinverter that we keep connected, althought it has been running for years in parallel with the inverter... another clue is that some phone guys came in yesterday and changed the phones and the modem. I would like to repair the inverter but what should I be looking at in the inside of it? a shorted capacitor maybe?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Luis Miguel Guevara Hinojosa there are no user-serviceable parts inside Victron equipment - do not open the device to attempt repair, as this will void your warranty.

A likely cause of what you're describing is either insufficient wire gauge between the inverter and the batteries, a faulty crimp in the line, a loose connection in the line, or a short somewhere in the line.

Check all your wiring between the inverter and the batteries and, if everything checks out, then contact the distributor from whom you purchased the device to inquire about further troubleshooting and/or warranty repair/replacement.

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