
jwalt313 avatar image
jwalt313 asked

What default SmartShunt 500A settings do I need to change?

I do not know which SmartShunt 500A settings to use for my LiTime 12V 230Ah Plus Deep Cycle LiFePO4 Battery With Low-Temp Protection. When I asked LiTime, this is what they sent me: catch8a4a.jpg

Which default SmartShunt 500A settings do I need to change?

Thank you.

Lithium BatterySmartShunt
catch8a4a.jpg (229.4 KiB)
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Make sure your chargers are set to the 14.4V absorption and float can be 13.5V with the tail current of 4.6A (or2%) depending on how it is set. Absorption time is not specified so make it short.

For the SmartShunt, the Charged Voltage will be 14.2V, always about 0.2V lower than absorption, tail current should be say 6A, slightly higher than charger setting, Peukert coefficient 1.05 and charged efficiency 99%.

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