
mike-lynch avatar image
mike-lynch asked

VRM Phone screen widget not updating

Since last week my VRM phone screen widget doesn't update and also when I select the system dashboard either in the VRM App or on the internet, it always goes back to the values displayed on the widget before updating.


VRMvrm app phone widget
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2 Answers
mike-lynch avatar image
mike-lynch answered ·

It's fixed now. Thanks, if someone did that.

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uguraladag avatar image
uguraladag answered ·

Most importantly, it shows the total power produced from solar panels is quite incomplete.this has been the case for 4-5 days.I have difficulty understanding whether there is something in the vrm system or something in Cerbo gx.I also have 2 iot devices that measure solar production, so I can measure the power produced and consumed.

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