
bundyblu avatar image
bundyblu asked



Can I direct connect a JK BMS direct to a Cerbo GX BMs CAN port with a cable ?.

I have so far not been able to get it to work.

I have used the 2 wire CAN-L and CAN-H pinouts

3 Physical interface This agreement adopts CAN2.0A standard, and the frame format adopts standard frame.Communication baudrateis250kbps.The communication between the BMS and the instrument is point-to-point one-way communication, thatis,theBMS sends data to the instrument, and the instrument only receives and interprets the data for display.

BMS - CAN.pdf




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9 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

You try the terminator plug in the open BMS.CAN port? Pretty sure that's required.

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·
Yers tried that. It does not work.
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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·

I made a two cable and plugped in the terminator in the open BMS.CAN port.

Still no go.

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midwest22 avatar image
midwest22 answered ·

I created a cable this past week to do just the same and didn't have much luck. I kept seeing error. Im currently waiting for a USB to RS-485 adapter to arrive so I can try a stab at using those instead. Keep us posted as to your progress please.

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·

The new JK BMS with the CAN/RS485 port can be either RS485 or CAN.

It is suppled with either when ordered, but not both protocols.

The last letter C in the model number means that has a CAN port.

Be aware that tere are two models of the JK 485 adapters.

Is the JK 485 adapter both RS485/CANbus?

What I don't know is if I need an adapter in between the BMS and Cerbo GX

I hope Victron have an answer

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Have you tried a USB cable and installed the driver?

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·
This is a CAN bus.

So I am looking at using a direct cable between the BMS CAN port and the Cerbo GX BMS CAN port.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

CAN is a method of communication. Multiple languages may be spoken via that method. The GX device and the battery must speak the same language over the CAN bus.

Have either of you tried RS485 to USB via @Louis van der Walt 's serial driver?

It also supports bluetooth for JBD/JK, but IMHO, it is not stable enough.

I'm currently using this to interface my JBD battery (UART to USB) with Venus OS on a RPi.

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·

I am rechecking Louis post, as it may be an answer to my issue, by using the UART port.

I will have to do some more research on what cable I need.

I was also using Venos OS on a RPI, but though buying the Cerbo with all it inputs would solve my issue with the BMS CAN port.

Andy from Off Grid Garage has a video on this.

So more research and testing......Tks

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bundyblu avatar image
bundyblu answered ·

The JK BMS I have only has CAN bus. So I do not have RS485 unfortunately.

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

Did you see this?

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·

Thanks for the reply.

Yes I did.

But it is for RS485 not CAN

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sgrigor1 avatar image
sgrigor1 answered ·

JKBMS has a port named RX485/GPS but it is standard serial TTL . The RS485 and CAN BMS protocols are different for Victron, so you need a protocol convertor likes this: or

I'm using this one between JKBMS and Victron and it's working very well.

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bundyblu avatar image bundyblu commented ·
Thank you for the reply.

I did look at that option.

It is an expensive option as I have two BMS's, and I did not want to add another piece of equipment to interface to the Victron Cerbo.

It may be an option I will look at, if Victron cannot come up with a solution.

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antonioz avatar image
antonioz answered ·

Hi all

I discovered this Rs485 JKBms propietary adapter.

It's cheap and from the same brand

I'm gonna buy four and test.

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Mihai avatar image Mihai commented ·
Too cheap to be true :)

But anyway, let us know if it works :D


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Al avatar image Al commented ·
@AntonioZ That just takes the TTL over UART from the BMS and turns it into RS485, (you can also just use a TTL to USB instead) or you will also need a USB to RS485 adaptor to plug between your adaptor and into a GX, then use the Serial Battery driver linked further up to get the JK talking to Venus.
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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·


Au final, avez-vous trouvé une solution ?

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