
mattvictron2022 avatar image
mattvictron2022 asked

Shutdown AC2 when there is load on phase

I have 3x Multiplus 5000 with Cerbo GX.

On phase3 i have connected boiler 2,4kW on AC2 which starts when SOC is above 97%.

I have connected also Whirlpool 2,4kW on phase3 but I want to disable boiler when Whirlpool is running to avoid taking energy from grid.

Is there any functionality, which can stop AC2 (boiler) when there is load more then 500W on the phase3 ?

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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3 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

You can use the Relay Assistant to turn the AC2-Out relay on and off based on AC power consumption.

Best to have some hysteresis to avoid it chattering, so have the off threshold significantly higher than the on threshold.

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mattvictron2022 avatar image
mattvictron2022 answered ·

Can you give me please screenshot how it should be setup?

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·


Then set Relay On, AC Load, skip Extra Drive Option, set power level.

Repeat with a second Assistant for Relay Off.

1719903369524.png (56.3 KiB)
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