
Jason Parsons avatar image
Jason Parsons asked

MPPT 70/15 Load charging power station

Hi, Thanks in advance. I have VW T5 with 180w solar panel > MPPT 70/15 smart solar > which feeds to a leisure battery.

Using the Load terminal on the MPPT I am charging my power station. This is working.

However, the power station is taking charge from the solar panel AND the leisure battery at the same time.

There maybe times when I want this to help speed up the charging process but is there a setting in the Victron app which I can set and only charge the power station via the solar panel. and leave the leisure battery to charge the fridge etc?

Or have I not set up correctly.



MPPT SmartSolarsmart solar charging behaviourcharge controller compatibility
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1 Answer
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

The solar charges the battery and the battery feeds the load terminals is my understanding - I don't see anyway (on my 70/15) to only feed the load from solar.

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