
victron-4 avatar image
victron-4 asked

Connect multiple smart MPPT to Cerbo GX

Problem pairing 3 smart MPPT 100/50 to the Cerbo GX Touch 50 :

1 Distance MPPT to Cerbo GX 5 meters and no cable space available.

2 Not enough VE direct ports in the Cerbo GX

How do I get things tied together. Bluetooth seems to be the solution, but the GX doesn't see it?

MPPT Controllerscerbo gxVE.DirectVE.Smart Network
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5 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Victron @ YIP YIP,

if all VE.Direct ports are in use, you can buy some VE.Direct to USB adapters and connect your MPPTs to the USB ports of your Cerbo GX.

The Cerbo GX does not talk to the MPPTs via Bluetooth.

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Dan Harabagiu avatar image Dan Harabagiu commented ·
Hi, i've just done that. But the MPPT is not visible on the system. Do I need to scan for MPPT in the settings?
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Dan Harabagiu avatar image Dan Harabagiu Dan Harabagiu commented ·
I just switched the USB port and worked. It seems to have been an issue on my side.
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victron-4 avatar image
victron-4 answered ·

Hi Stefanie Thanks for your answer. Can I use a USB hub for the 3 MPPT's so that I have one long USB cable to the Cerbo?

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Sure you can. I also use a USB hub and it works great.

Look for an active USB hub (USB 2.0 is good enough) that is externally powered and be aware of the maximum cable length for USB. With the hub it is usually a little over the standardized 5m.

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jaro2k avatar image
jaro2k answered ·

Can someone send me a link to "VE.Direct to USB adapter" which I could use to connect SmartSolar MPPT device to Cerbo-GX using USB port? I tried to search for such us cable and I could not find. I found MK3 USB adaper for VE.Direct devices but I'm not sure whether this is not use just for computer when doing configuration. Thank you.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
You do not want the MK3 adapter for this, it's for multiplus and Quattro use.
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tuky avatar image
tuky answered ·

I wonder would it work if the Smart MPPTs are connected in a group via bluetooth, and you just connect one of them (master) to the Cerbo? The solution to connect every MPPT with the cable adds a lot of cables, and they are not cheap either.

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oceanwolfe avatar image
oceanwolfe answered ·

I have the same setup running with 4 smart solar mppts. I bought a powered industrial USB hub (I got a "USB 3.2 Gen 1 4-port industrial" model from Hubgear and note that it has to be a powered hub, not a passive one). It took four to USB adapters from mppts to hub, but at least I could use short ones. Then one long USB cable to feed the CerboGX. Works fine.

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