
Anders avatar image
Anders asked

V2H/V2G functionality - EV Charging station

As stated in this tread V2H /V2G - Vehicle to GRID compatibility of Victron specially ESS , V2H and V2G is very likely to be soon available from many EV brands. I believe KIA is leading, but there are rumours about Tesla introducing something in 2025. Tesla Plans To Adopt Bi-Directional Charging By 2025

I currently charge my off grid cabin with the help of a Victron 12V 2000W inverter connected to the cars 12V battery being charged by the onboard DC/DC 400V-12V inverter, this is a manual setup and not very practical - But it does work. I can easily "carry" my 15Kwh weekend demand from the grid connected home.

If not already in the hidden design of the EV Charging station HW, prepare for bidirectional charging. It is clearly the future.

ev charging station
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Hi, yes, we are following this, but without a common protocol between vehicles, It can't be done. I was looking at Renault, KIA, Hyundai and each one did it in its own way. And for each one, only one charging station is accepted for V2G, usually their own brand.
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Anders avatar image Anders Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Lucian

Thank you for the swift feedback - Let's hope we get some governmental guidance here forcing everyone to use the same standard. I must admit I thought that was the case for the type 1 and 2 communication protokol.
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1 Answer
Tim Larsson avatar image
Tim Larsson answered ·

I think this is easiest made if you interact with the dc-bus of the vehicle directly. I know the Swedish company Ferroamp have a propotype wallbox which connects to their internal 760V dc bus. This supports every car that can do ccs2 dc charging it seems.

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