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sysprog asked

EV Charger - Modbus TCP - Incorrect value for "Position" Field

I have just had a Victron EV Charging Station installed.

When I query the modbus value for "Position" address 3827 using Home Assistant, the returned value is "1" which according to @CCGX-Modbus-TCP-register-list-2.90 should mean the charger is connected to the "Inverter AC out" however the Charging Station Web display settings is set to "Inverter AC in", if I change the web setting to "Inverter AC in" the modbus setting changes to "0"

It would seem the modbus settings and Web display have been swapped.

Also the web display only allows the option of "Inverter AC in/out" where as the TCP register seems to suggest you should be able to set the web site to "AC input 2"

Is anyone else seeing this ?

ev charging station
2 |3000

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