
oceanwolfe avatar image
oceanwolfe asked

BMV-712, CerboGX, and Multiplus Compact competing?

I recently expanded my battery bank to 400Ah and as part of setting SOC I ran the bank down to 12V. On the way down, when it dropped below 12.6V, the low-voltage alarm went off (which is where I'd set it previously). When I turned the alarm off on the BMV, the display kept flashing and an alarm was still going off. The was from the nearby CerboGX, I checked the Multiplus and it had a 12.6V low-voltage alarm setting as well and I'm guessing this was the source of the GX alarm. I disable the alarm on the MP, and...the GX continued alarming.

I eventually just unplugged the power on the GX to quiet things down while i waited for the 12V target to be reached.

Should I have picked only one of the instruments to set the voltage alarm on? I thought the GX was supposed to coordinate among the three (as well as the four MPPT controllers).

The BMV attaches to the GX with VE.Direct, and the MP connects to the GX with VE.Bus. The MPPT's attach to a USB hub with VE.Direct-to-USB adapters, then to the GX with a USB cable.

With this setup, I can see the GX via bluetooth but can't change settings. Via bluetooth, I can see and change settings on the BMV and the MPPTs, and I can see and change settings on the MP with a VE.Bus to USB adapter.

Is there a way to connect these that provides simpler control?

cerbo gxBMV Battery Monitormultiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

This video describes how to direct connect to your Cerbo wifi or via a local LAN for remote console use (basically turns your phone into a touchscreen).

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
As an add on. Is everything up to dae in firmware. How is everything programmed?
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oceanwolfe avatar image
oceanwolfe answered ·

Thanks everyone. I'll get back to you after I try these things. It's been a couple of years since I updated firmware, so I'll check that as well.

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oceanwolfe avatar image
oceanwolfe answered ·

OK. Reviewed the video, the Venus address hadn't been appearing on my wireless but the video reminded me about the reset button which fixed that problem. However, once I started the console and got the "rotate screen" instruction, what resulted was that I could see only a small part of each of the screen halves. It looked like the display scale was way off. I checked my phone settings and couldn't find any automatic font magnifiers or similar turned on. I'm using a 2019 iPhone SE with the newest iOS and all my other apps seem to work fine.

Any ideas?

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