
miya avatar image
miya asked

Orion XS - ATC

Hi All

The new Orion XS - amazing.

Finally got my one last week and installed on the yacht - brilliant !! Love the way the Alternator is now showing on the GUI-v2 - brilliant work Victron.

Question... given the XS is being controlled by the Cerbo GX via the VE.Direct connection - I assume the is no benefit to connecting the ATC wire to the H terminal on the XS - it wont achieve anything will it ?

Thanks, Tim

battery chargingVE.Directorion xs
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

It will improve redundancy, i.e. an ATC connection direct from the BMS adds a second layer of protection should there be an issue with the Cerbo.

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