
John Milligan avatar image
John Milligan asked

Failed firmware upgrade?

img-1237.pngI tried to do a firmware upgrade yesterday on an mppt 100/20 via Bluetooth. The update said it was successful, but since the upgrade I have lost my status/history/ trends screens. when I connect via Bluetooth I get the image above. the top two leds on the unit are continually flashing. When I select manual update on the above screen,I get a message saying your unit already has the latest firmware. I’m pretty sure the firmware upgrade failed and the unit is not operational. Any help or tips would be appreciated. John

vrm firmware update
img-1237.png (158.7 KiB)
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you tried to power cycle the MPPT?

Disconnect PV and battery, wait a minute and reconnect (battery first).

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Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Firstly... Ian NOT an EXPERT... But i did have a similar problem with a smart solar unit a while back.

Couldn't find the post I used as reference to fix the issue but a quick search reveled THIS and a couple of similar looking threads...

If it isn't a quick fix you are going to need someone with more knowledge than I have, none the less I hope this helps.

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