
vicky avatar image
vicky asked

log interval 1 minute?

I read some posts and manuals but still dindn't fully understand what log interval setting finally means. ( I am on 70MBit Internet link, so not worried about the traffic, however I don't want to keep the VRM portal busy uneccessarily.

Manual says:
Set to anything between 1 minute and 1 day. Choose longer times on systems with an unreliable connection. Note that this setting does not affect reporting problems and state changes (bulk → absorption) to the VRM Portal. These events initiate an immediate transmission of all parameters.

Is this only the interval for transmision of parameters to VRM portal, or is it also dictating the real data logging interval, i.e. how often data is captured by the VENUS GX ?


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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ commented ·

I can tell you that when interval is set at 10 minute, on the VRM portal info is visible per 10 minutes. So it doesn't save the data and sends it all at once every 10 minutes.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ boekel ♦ commented ·

@Boekel Really? I did not come to the same conclusion, but I only switched between 1 and 5 minutes.

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ markus ♦♦ commented ·

yes, see screenshot. I've put this system on 10 minute inverval because it is in Belgium with a Dutch 4G connection, a 1 minute inverval was quite expensive ;)

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ boekel ♦ commented ·

Ok, that's interesting. Manual says:

Log interval 15 minutes Set to anything between 1 minute and 1 day. Choose longer times on systems with an unreliable connection. Note that this setting does not affect reporting problems and state changes (bulk → absorption) to the VRM Portal. These events initiate an immediate transmission of all parameters.

I just checked, and you are right @Boekel as so often. I delete my wrong answer...

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ markus ♦♦ commented ·

It would be nice if it had an option to save up the data and sends it at longer intervals.

Mobile data connections often charge a minimum (like 100KB) per connection, that's what makes it expensive to use the 1 minute option.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ markus ♦♦ commented ·

@Boekel How does a 1 day setting makes sense then? Not really?!?

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ markus ♦♦ commented ·

I havent tried that, maybe that works different.

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vicky avatar image vicky boekel ♦ commented ·



So until I have the local Modbus logging I'll stay with 1 min.

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3 Answers
Peter Polz avatar image
Peter Polz answered ·

if you want more precise longtime logging i recommend external modbus logging in own Database. We acuall log 5 sec interval the importend data to a own mysqlDB

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vicky avatar image
vicky answered ·

@Peter Polz

this sounds like what I want :)

Would be happy if you could share how you did it.
Either here or via e-mail (

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lukevader avatar image
lukevader answered ·

I have the sim chip lte module for my cerbo. It was logging approximately 250mb per month doing 1 minute intervals. I now found a sim company 1gb for 12 months $20cdn. If I bump mine to 5 minute intervals it should use 50mb a month / 600mb year. I just wish there was a real-time when logged in option is all I care about.

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Related Resources

Venus GX manual

Venus GX product page

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