
hairyhaggis avatar image
hairyhaggis asked

SmartShunt not reading alternator

Hi all,

Just setting up a new 12V system in the car, very basic, but having a little trouble reading the alternator input on the SmartShunt. I have set it up before with Redarc bcdc, but this is the first time using the iTechworld dcdc charger, which has a few more ground points on it than the redarc one. Ive included a wiring diagram of how ive currently got it set up... just wondering where I am going wrong?


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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The diagram looks OK. Do you have a chassis ground connection on your lithium battery or the domestic system. If you do, this must be connected to the system side of the shunt. If it connected to the lithium battery the alternator charge current bypasses the shunt direct to the battery.

The other point, is the DC to DC actually working and charging the battery, when you start the engine does the lithium battery voltage increase. If it is not working I can not help other than wondering if the engine on detection is set up correctly.

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